
​Refuge Christos Kakkalos Winter Season 2019 - Part 1

Vivid memories of our last summer season on the Mountain of Gods are summarized into one thing; a wet and cool summer. Looking back a bit further and into our 2018 winter season, the climatic pattern was exact the opposite…a dry and warm winter season with plenty of Sahara dust-laden southerly winds. April’s high temperatures ended our ski season a month earlier than usual, but that’s part of the skiing reality in Mediterranean latitudes.

The stillness of the Plateau of Muses in November, was interrupted by the most significant snowfall up to now, at the end of November.
(Photo © Mike Styllas)

By the end of September the weather showed a periodic pattern, with long stretches of stable weather and warm temperatures, giving place to cold and snow. This is the case until now, south winds and higher than average temperatures alternating with cold spells, northeastern winds and limited snowfall. Even a few days ago temperatures in the Plateau of Muses neared positive values during daytime.


May the Gods Ski with You (Photo © Mike Styllas)

Having these in mind we move into the year 2019, with the best hopes for a solid winter season full of adventures. Refuge Christos Kakkalos will commence its winter season by mid-March and it will last until mid-April. For any inquiries please use the contact form and/or contact Alex Styllas, as Mike Styllas will be part of a scientific expedition in New Zealand’s Southern Alps, researching bacterial life under the worlds vanishing glaciers.

Despite the climatic uncertainty for Mount Olympus, we sent you our Best Wishes for the year 2019, in thoughts, desires and actions.

Happy New Year
Refuge Ch. Kakkalos team