Winter season

Dear lovers of the mountains and Olympus,
We wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year with many strong experiences on the mountains.

Refuge Ch. Kakkalos summer season opening Friday May 24th 2024

Dear Mountain lovers,
We are delighted to inform you that our refuge Ch Kakkalos will kick off its 2024 summer season on Friday May 24. 

Mount Olympus winter season 2024

Dear fellow mountaineers,
First, Happy New year with powerful climbs and majestic ski descends!
In 2024 we celebrate 20 years of existence and persistence, of getting inspired by the iconic rack face dubbed “Throne of Zeus” and of successfully managing alpine refuge of Ch. Kakkalos. 

2023 Summer season kick-off

Dear Mountain lovers,
After a lovely winter season in the refuge that lasted for more than a month with a good dose of skiing and climbing, we are now planning our summer season opening on Thursday May 25

Happy New Year & Winter Season

Dear fellow mountaineers and skiers.
We sent you our warm wishes for a Happy New Year, full of climbing and skiing action!


November shadows. Closure of the refuge Ch Kakkalos

Following an exceptional weather for hiking and mountaineering in October, there came the early November magnificent sunrises and full moon night. Then, the snow covered the highest ramparts of Mount Olympus.

Transition from winter to summer. Refuge Ch. Kakkalos summer season kicks off

The exit from the past heavy winter was rather slow. There was still fine skiing on the valley and north couloirs until mid-May, as snow has accumulated more in lower elevations. As we are ready to kick off the summer season there is still snow in several locations that requires extra caution and proper equipment. As summer as reached the lower elevations springy conditions still prevail on the upper mountain with low night temperatures.
We are happy to announce the opening of the 2022 summer season on Friday May 27. The season will last until the end of October.

Summer Season 2021 Refuge Opening

Dear Mountain lovers. After another winter with not much mountaineering and skiing activity due to the imposed restrictions, we are pleased to announce the opening of refuge Christos Kakkalos for the 2021 summer season, on Friday May 27. 


Healthy New Year 2021

Dear Mountain Lovers, we wish you a healthy and happy New Year, with plenty of physical and spiritual adventures...

Summer season marches on. Part II

As the summer season marches on, the snow on the slopes melts and the weather gets more stable, we are happy to share with you another update on the conditions on Mount Olympus and on the functioning of Refuge Ch. Kakkalos...